The Sea

Bathing establishments in Bordighera have enjoyed a wide popularity since the late 1800s: thanks to the minerals in the sea and to the sun-warmed pebbles on its beaches this Ligurian seaside resort has long been a perfect spot for thalassotherapy with its many beneficial effects on both body and mind.


Blue Flag

Since 1994 Bordighera has been proudly waving its Blue Flag, the world-renowned eco-label awarded by FEE for water quality, sustainable tourism and preservation of the natural environment.


The seabed

The biggest surprise is the seabed at Capo Sant’Ampelio: even children or inexperienced swimmers can simply step into the sea with just their snorkelling gear and admire an astounding variety of plant and animal species, some of them endangered.

Libro I Fondali di Capo Ampelio Bordighera orgoglio Italia


The two water entrances, one from the cliff and one from the beach, are facilitated by handrails and people with mobility problems can take advantage of the Job chair.


The cetacean sanctuary

The cetacean sanctuary is an area delineated by the French and the Ligurian coast; in its waters it counts the highest number of marine mammals in the entire Mediterranean Sea. Tourists can observe sperm whales, fin whales, dolphins, and pilot whales in their natural habitat.


Useful links if you want to know more

santuario dei cetacei tethys
stella marina
“The sea, which yesterday looked just a turbid mass of cloud on the edge of the sky, is now becoming a darkening strip of colour and then a great blue background to the hills and the houses”


 Italo Calvino – The Path to the Spiders’ nests – Torino – 1947